Monday, August 07, 2006

The Science of learning & thinking?..

So we get told that our clients value most a subtle mix of structure, thought and visualization. The structure sorts the chaos and enables us to crisply rank and order thinking. With visualization our clients can understand more and feel more in control. 4D™ and SVT™ means we can communicate at a higher order this is vital to rise above today’s noise. But what's behind all that?... What do we feel about the following...

The research of Mayer and Moreno (2002) propose that multi media learning involves three cognitive processes.

Selecting: Where verbal information is processed as a text base and visual information is processed as an image base.
Organizing: Where the verbal base and the image base are applied to the yet to be learned concept.
Integrating: Where the learner builds connections between the two.

Their research into the effectiveness of using layers of media types yielded the following major principles.

Multiple Representation Principle – “It is better to present an explanation in words and pictures than solely in words.”
Contiguity Principle – “Words and pictures are to be presented simultaneously rather than separate.”
Split Attention principle – “Present words as auditory narration rather than as visual on screen text.”
Coherence Principle – “Use few rather than many extraneous words and pictures.”
Modality Principle – “Students learn more effectively from animation and narration than from animation and text.”
Personalization Principle – “Students learn more effectively from animation and narration when the narration is conversational rather than formal style.”
Redundancy Principle – “Students learn more effectively from animation and narration than from animation, narration and text.”



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