Insights of the week...
Worth remembering...
"Nobody knows what the next big thing is going to be." - Brenda Spoonemore, VP of Interactive Services, NBA
A powerful new wave...
"The spirit of social computing is the concept of leaving value in your wake." - Bradley Horowitz, Head of Technology Development, Yahoo
A Revealing Definition...
“Each interaction with the board of directors is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are a business leader, or reveal that you are not.” - Anon
Basic Design Guideline...
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” - Douglas Adams
And finally a wish...
"Instead of making others right or wrong, or bottling up right and wrong in ourselves, there's a middle way, a very powerful middle way. Could we have no agenda when we walk into a room with another person, not know what to say, not make that person wrong or right? Could we see, hear, feel other people as they really are? It is powerful to practice this way - true communication can happen only in that open space." - Pema Chodron, Buddhist Nun. Gammpo Abbey retreat in Nova Scotia
"Nobody knows what the next big thing is going to be." - Brenda Spoonemore, VP of Interactive Services, NBA
A powerful new wave...
"The spirit of social computing is the concept of leaving value in your wake." - Bradley Horowitz, Head of Technology Development, Yahoo
A Revealing Definition...
“Each interaction with the board of directors is an opportunity to demonstrate that you are a business leader, or reveal that you are not.” - Anon
Basic Design Guideline...
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” - Douglas Adams
And finally a wish...
"Instead of making others right or wrong, or bottling up right and wrong in ourselves, there's a middle way, a very powerful middle way. Could we have no agenda when we walk into a room with another person, not know what to say, not make that person wrong or right? Could we see, hear, feel other people as they really are? It is powerful to practice this way - true communication can happen only in that open space." - Pema Chodron, Buddhist Nun. Gammpo Abbey retreat in Nova Scotia
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