Saturday, October 14, 2006

We are all involved/interested in these little factoids (a near truth or lie) so I hope they challenge the cells - I do believe the YouTube Google thing has changed the world in some ways. Not least because so many people are THINKING about it. In response to some of the conversation around this I’ve noted and collected a sample of some of the blather and some interesting ideas/new conversations this week... Delete if it bores you. Use if it Delights...

“Frankly, I'm astonished as with many others and then not at the prices that have been paid for MySpace and YouTube. If these were physical, or at least persistent, assets that would be one thing. They aren't. Kids have always been smarter than the grown ups give them credit for. If the media barons become too invasive with the ads, everyone will just fade away to another meeting place on the net, and Murdoch and company will be left holding the (now empty) bag.”

“Give people some credit. We've always had an "off" switch. We still have one. Walk away from the TV. Shut off your cell phone. Unplug. Immersion is an option.”
“Yes, it's a shame that concentration of traditional media ownership is reducing choices. But what's different now is that new media channels don't like that word suddenly have very low barriers of entry. Pretty difficult to start your own TV station. Putting up a site or a blog or a video is simple and cheap. The internet routes around this stuff, as others have more famously said. “

“I certainly see that News Corp et al are trying to create this pervasive commercial immersion for everyone. Can't really blame them--scorpion and the frog, you know. But if people insist on being passive receivers, I guess they get what they deserve. No government, regulation, nanny state, or impassioned call-to-arms will save us from ourselves. I taught my daughter what "persuade" meant when she was 4. Now I never miss an opportunity to point out the hidden agendas in the things she sees.”

“It is also obvious that peer pressure has no impact on the kids, as demonstrated by the fact that almost NO teenager is wearing overprices branded shoes, and the constant infringement on their privacy has driven all of them (except some of the more dim witted ones) away from MSN/AIM.”

“Unfortunately the level of "pain" that the "media barons" can inflict on users of something like YouTube (or skyblog) is not linked to the service itself, but to the service + the fact that all the other kids are using the same platform. So if for instance you are using the "really nice and cool peoples video blogging platform" vs You Tube. You will NOT get into the "friends list of your friends (stored on You Tube/skyblog/ current local culturally accepted brand), and therefore your friends will not be "alerted" when you update your site, which means that they will not "comment" on your site. i.e. your'e out.”

“And as a final comment 1.6 Billion US$ is about 6 times the price of Mirabilis (and if I remember well Mirabilis was paid for in cash vs stocks for You Tube). I'd be very surprised if the "size" of the internet has not been multiplied by more than 6 in the past 8 years. Moreover I do believe that AOL would not have any hope of morphing from a modem access provider into a content provider without the leverage that ICQ gave them. (so who will be able to afford 10 Billion US$ for the "next big network effect based thing" in 2012 ?)”


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