Little gems...
Delivering. Value...
"The biggest driver is the growing urge that when we want something, we want it now." - Jo Ferreira, Managing Director of Hub-Area Business Development, FedEx
Tremendous initiative...
Dropping Knowledge - An incredible venture for those interested in the important questions about the world. I would highly recommend a quick look at what is going on with this social experiment:
Well I know what he means...
"Designers are the new rock stars." —Ambra Medda, Director, Design Miami Basel
From the master...
"I'm very privileged. I've always had a very good life. But everything that I've gotten out of life was obtained through dedication and a tremendous desire to achieve my goals. I had a great desire for victory, meaning victory in life, not as a driver. To all of you who have experienced this or are searching now, let me say that whoever you may be in your life, whether you're at the highest or the most modest level, you must show great strength and determination, and do everything with love and with a deep belief in God. One day you'll achieve your aim and you'll be successful." - Ayrton Senna.
And another master...
“It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.” - Stirling Moss
More than poised if you read the buzz...
"Chinese companies are poised to become the ultimate source of disruptive competition." —Ming Zeng, Professor, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
"The biggest driver is the growing urge that when we want something, we want it now." - Jo Ferreira, Managing Director of Hub-Area Business Development, FedEx
Tremendous initiative...
Dropping Knowledge - An incredible venture for those interested in the important questions about the world. I would highly recommend a quick look at what is going on with this social experiment:
Well I know what he means...
"Designers are the new rock stars." —Ambra Medda, Director, Design Miami Basel
From the master...
"I'm very privileged. I've always had a very good life. But everything that I've gotten out of life was obtained through dedication and a tremendous desire to achieve my goals. I had a great desire for victory, meaning victory in life, not as a driver. To all of you who have experienced this or are searching now, let me say that whoever you may be in your life, whether you're at the highest or the most modest level, you must show great strength and determination, and do everything with love and with a deep belief in God. One day you'll achieve your aim and you'll be successful." - Ayrton Senna.
And another master...
“It is necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.” - Stirling Moss
More than poised if you read the buzz...
"Chinese companies are poised to become the ultimate source of disruptive competition." —Ming Zeng, Professor, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
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