Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Insights 2.0

At least one...

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” - H.L. Mencken

So would seem.

“It's hard for a man to understand what his salary pays him to not understand.” - Anon

Some may never learn...

“Brands cannot begin to have conversations with their customers until they can have them (at scale) with themselves.” - Leon Benjamin

The essence of co-creation...

“Those who work alone can only accumulate, but those who collaborate intelligently can multiply” - Joachim Milberg. BMW

The truth behind organizational design...

“I think of VNA (Value Network Analysis) as the response to the question "Will the REAL business model please stand up?" At some point in the initial exercise we have to remind people that we must have an accurate "as is" map - in all its messiness - rather than what is supposed to be happening. It is the disconnect between the formal or official processes and roles and the "real" roles and interactions that is so powerful” - Verna Allee

That’s what I want...!

“Phronesis - wisdom in determining ends and the means of attaining them” -  Nanoka San

And Finally...

"Design decisions are made by most everyone, everyday."
- Joe Duffy, Founder, Duffy and Partners


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