Friday, November 10, 2006

Mind. Matters...

Once upon a multi media...

"Story will always be king, no matter how much we love the technology." - Ethan Marten, Film Producer

Thinking the wrong way round... Still!

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a culture that honours the servant and have forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein

Paradigms infinitely shifted...

“There are people who talk about vision-logic, and I didn't know what this was at first, but then it dawned on me. I do this to some extent, but had someone explain relativity - and E=MC**2 in a visual way. It became clear that Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and others see their answers, and then solve for the math. Not at all to say that intuition is a substitute for rational scientific methodology, but in the ideal, they work hand-and-glove. I'm reminded of Dan Pink in "A Whole New Mind" - ‘A picture is worth a thousand words, and a metaphor is worth a thousand pictures’. I like to carry it out at least one more step - a paradigm is worth a thousand metaphors. I then wonder what a thousand paradigms is worth. Also useful to note that ‘thousand’ here is just a stand in for infinity. Each jump up is actually a new dimension”  - David Swedlow

The foundation of dialogue...

"The ability to converse should be a basic building block of organizations." —Dr. Kerry J. Sulkowicz, Author, "Shrink/Inc"

The earliest visual thinker...?

“The soul never thinks without a picture” - Aristotle

New faces...

"New technologies are starting to rattle the foundations of online self-expression." - David Hyman, CEO, Mog

The challenge declared...

"The goal here is to build a brand around social relevance in media." —Jeff Skoll, Founder and Chairman, Participant Productions


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