Fragments, Insights and Thoughts...
“I trust Google reasonably well, but that's like saying you have a favourite politician.” - Jim Wales, founder, Wikipedia
“How did I come to know what I know about the world and myself? What ought I to know? What would I like to know that I don't know? If I want to know about this or that, where can I get the clearest, best and latest information? And where did these other people about me get their ideas about things, which are sometimes so different from mine?” - H.G. Wells
“Every young kid I know studying at MIT wants some experience at Yahoo, Google or eBay or finding some next generation model that allows them a sense of incredible freedom” - Cindy Gordon Ph.D CEO. Helix Commerce International Inc.
“When there's no sense of possessiveness or ownership in the artistic process, great things happen.” —Paul Budnitz. Owner - Kidrobot
“As for storytelling, I do not include the thinly-disguised anecdotal style of so many of my peers, which has more of the flavour of gossip-turned-theory. I am talking about the dynamic life of true fiction unfolding like a mystery, except that it is a mystery to the writer too. The mythic, expansive, and sometimes oracular characteristic of stories-telling-themselves, much like the quantum computer at the University of Illinois which "answers questions before they are asked" according to the principle that all of the answers are known, and it is only the questioner's choice of question that allows the correct answer to emerge and be measured.” - Stuart Robbins
“Every individual has some advantage over all others because he possesses unique information of which beneficial use might be made, but of which use can be made only if the decisions depending on it are left to him…” Freidrich Hayek
“Any cowboy can command a Brigade, it takes a real soldier to Administer one.” - Field Marshall Montgomery
“Don’t forget culture change, but don’t “do” it either. Culture and behaviour can’t be architected, but either can be nurtured. Google isn’t building an innovative culture, but they are at least offering the appeal of an innovative atmosphere, which attracts an innovative culture and reaps the benefit of innovative behaviors” - Andrew Webster
“I'm not interested in the pseudo-efficiency of trying to precisely measure poverty.” - C.K. Prahalad, Author,
And finally -
“Although some anthropologists might disagree I think we stand on a critical precipice, as perhaps many civilizations have before. We seem to have a greater capacity to self destruct as a result of the technical prowess we have mastered. The next step in human evolution is the conquest of inner space in the sense of the ability to truly get along with each other, share intelligence and wisdom in a comprehensive and systemic way such that we consciously become cells of a more intelligent whole. Value networks are a step in that direction - technology being the closest approximation to telepathic communication. As we seek to solve planetary challenges common language and process for coordinating seems essential, no matter how good the technology or intention. Inventing some standards ways of being with and working together within networks that transcend individual and historic political concerns will test our transcendent survival instinct and capacity for quick adaptation.” - Stewart L. Levine, Resolutionary
“How did I come to know what I know about the world and myself? What ought I to know? What would I like to know that I don't know? If I want to know about this or that, where can I get the clearest, best and latest information? And where did these other people about me get their ideas about things, which are sometimes so different from mine?” - H.G. Wells
“Every young kid I know studying at MIT wants some experience at Yahoo, Google or eBay or finding some next generation model that allows them a sense of incredible freedom” - Cindy Gordon Ph.D CEO. Helix Commerce International Inc.
“When there's no sense of possessiveness or ownership in the artistic process, great things happen.” —Paul Budnitz. Owner - Kidrobot
“As for storytelling, I do not include the thinly-disguised anecdotal style of so many of my peers, which has more of the flavour of gossip-turned-theory. I am talking about the dynamic life of true fiction unfolding like a mystery, except that it is a mystery to the writer too. The mythic, expansive, and sometimes oracular characteristic of stories-telling-themselves, much like the quantum computer at the University of Illinois which "answers questions before they are asked" according to the principle that all of the answers are known, and it is only the questioner's choice of question that allows the correct answer to emerge and be measured.” - Stuart Robbins
“Every individual has some advantage over all others because he possesses unique information of which beneficial use might be made, but of which use can be made only if the decisions depending on it are left to him…” Freidrich Hayek
“Any cowboy can command a Brigade, it takes a real soldier to Administer one.” - Field Marshall Montgomery
“Don’t forget culture change, but don’t “do” it either. Culture and behaviour can’t be architected, but either can be nurtured. Google isn’t building an innovative culture, but they are at least offering the appeal of an innovative atmosphere, which attracts an innovative culture and reaps the benefit of innovative behaviors” - Andrew Webster
“I'm not interested in the pseudo-efficiency of trying to precisely measure poverty.” - C.K. Prahalad, Author,
And finally -
“Although some anthropologists might disagree I think we stand on a critical precipice, as perhaps many civilizations have before. We seem to have a greater capacity to self destruct as a result of the technical prowess we have mastered. The next step in human evolution is the conquest of inner space in the sense of the ability to truly get along with each other, share intelligence and wisdom in a comprehensive and systemic way such that we consciously become cells of a more intelligent whole. Value networks are a step in that direction - technology being the closest approximation to telepathic communication. As we seek to solve planetary challenges common language and process for coordinating seems essential, no matter how good the technology or intention. Inventing some standards ways of being with and working together within networks that transcend individual and historic political concerns will test our transcendent survival instinct and capacity for quick adaptation.” - Stewart L. Levine, Resolutionary
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