| . | | | Dear Friend of Timeless Africa Safaris, A warm welcome to the readers of the first official newsletter from the Timeless Africa Safaris team. For those of you that have not yet dealt with us, or have not done so in the recent past, allow us to introduce ourselves. We are proud to announce that our 2010 marketing campaign is off the ground and ready to be delivered to you for your benefit and that of your family and friends. At the epicenter of our campaign is the launch of our new and improved website www.tasafaris.com. Many of you have already visited our site (thank you) and signed up to this newsletter (thank you very much). We hope you found it easy to navigate through, that the information is interesting and comprehensive and the overall experience was exciting. We are always open to suggestions and welcome your thoughts and opinions. To date, we have seen a very pleasing response to the website and the numbers continue to grow. To those of you travelling in the near future, we wish you a safe and adventurous journey. With warm regards, Marco and the Timeless Africa Safaris team.  Marco van Embden | | | | | | | | | Highlights | Queleas My wife Gwen and I recently went on a trip that we have wanted to do for a long time; to see the migration of the African Red Billed Quelea birds to the Kruger National Park during their annual nesting and mating season. The world’s most abundant bird species travels by the millions to this same region each year to perform this most beautiful ritual; this year, an estimated 33 million birds flocked to the Kruger Park. The breeding males begin to weave a half-complete oval nest from grass and straw which then comes under the scrutiny of the females as they inspect it and in turn accept or deny the males of partnership. If the female chooses to accept the male, they then complete construction of their love nest together and this beautiful ritual culminates in mating and the laying of between one and three eggs by the female. This unique natural ritual plays out over the course of 2 weeks. When these beautiful birds, weighing only 40 grams, take off in flight, it is like a musical composition. All in all we spent 9 hours observing them and the experience stands out as a truly memorable one. We experienced superior comfort and genuine hospitality from the outstanding staff at Singita Lebombo. Read more | |  |  | Back to top | |  | | 2010 Soccer World Cup The 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup is just under 30 days away from kick off in South Africa, and the country is certainly abuzz with excitement! Stadiums, roads and surrounding facilities have taken shape and are being cleaned up in the final stages of preparation for the world to arrive at our doorstep, and we are all confident that this will be a great success for our country. At T.A.S. we have already experienced an influx of requests for accommodation as well as ticketing. We have created wonderful Soccer & Safari packages and are still able to provide limited assistance to people requiring last minute tickets and accommodation for the event. Please note that tickets available are Category 1 and 2 that have been allotted from Europe and as such are charged to us at European prices starting from USD$600 upwards, depending on the specific games and categories.  |  | Back to top | | | | | | | | Upcoming Natural Events |  | | In June, the migratory herds reach the most dramatic chapter of their Serengeti migration at the Grumeti River. It is here that the majority of animals perish at the jaws of the nefarious resident Nile crocodiles or due to the strong currents of the river. On the East Coast of South Africa, another collection of animals is also migrating in June; the sardines make their way up the Wild Coast to Kwa-Zulu Natal. An abundance of predators including whales, dolphins and sharks follow the silvery shoals for thousands of miles from the cool southern waters to the warm Indian Ocean waters. Visitors to the region can enjoy an abundance of seafood over this period. In Zambia, the rainy season's waters reach the Victoria Falls resulting in the falls being their largest. A misty plume is seen towering above the land surface. For more information on the Serengeti Migration click here. |  | Back to top | |  | | Increased water levels allow for outstanding water and birdlife excursions in traditional mokoros along the waterways of the Okavango Delta, optimal in the month of July.The migratory herds of the Serengeti continue their grazing quest, which leads them to a second and equally grueling river crossing at the Mara River. A photographer's dream, during the month of July, the winter winds blow over Sossusvlei, reshaping the landscape constantly and providing a dramatic natural spectacle. For more information on the Okavango Delta click here. |  | Back to top | |  | | Spring season in the Namaqualand region of South Africa sees wildflowers in full bloom, creating endless rolling vistas of reds, blues, yellows and whites. These blossoms create a stark and beautiful contrast to the otherwise arid landscape that is found in this region during the rest of the year. In Botswana, the dry season in the central Kalahari enables excellent cheetah viewing opportunities, as the open plains can no longer act as shelter for these elusive animals. The scarcity of water simultaneously brings the herds and other prey into the open plains in search of sustenance where they lay vulnerable to the agile cat. For more information on Natural Events click here. |  | Back to top | | | | New additions to the TAS team | | The team has expanded. At the helm of client service is Kirsty Gordon with over 20 years experience in the travel industry. Assisting her is Vana Lingham who brings with her over 10 years of valuable industry experience. Recently joining us is Lior Chen in the capacity of Marketing Manager. Yuesrey Abrahams, my colleague of over 20 years, is now guiding and driving clients full-time. And then there is myself, still traveling throughout Africa visiting some of the most exquisite lodges and destinations available and providing insight into your travel itineraries. We have grown substantially over the past year and are excited at the prospect of being able to provide you with an even more comprehensive luxury travel experience. | |  | Kirsty Gordon Client Service Manager | | |  | Vana Lingham Client Services Officer | | |  | Lior Chen Marketing Manager | | | | | | | | | | | | Contact us | Unsubscribe here | | |