Mental Graffiti.
Think ahead...
"If you're reactive, you're going to be in trouble." - Robert Heiblim, senior VP, Altec Lansing
But take risks...
"Improvisation frees us from being perfect, being in control, thinking ahead, and second guessing." - Linda Naiman, Creativity Consultant
The Call...!
“Wherever you see a politician asking for your vote, ask them: what’s your plan to tackle climate change or global warming?” - Simon Retallack (UK) Head of the Climate Change Team at the Institute for Public Policy Research
The Caution...?
"Trust but verify." - Ronald Regan. 40th President of the USA
A truth...?
"Consumers have access to more and more information. It’s exactly what airlines don’t want consumers to have." - Henry H. Harteveldt. A Travel Analyst on Aggressive Searches for Online Deals by Airline Customers
A Truth...!
"Trust is always broken because we are human. It is what we do next that is important." - Steve Barth
And finally...
"It's all about taking what people are jaded about and making that next step." - Jon Deitelbaum, President and CEO, Planet 10 Spirits
Insights 2.0
At least one...
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” - H.L. Mencken
So would seem.
“It's hard for a man to understand what his salary pays him to not understand.” - Anon
Some may never learn...
“Brands cannot begin to have conversations with their customers until they can have them (at scale) with themselves.” - Leon Benjamin
The essence of co-creation...
“Those who work alone can only accumulate, but those who collaborate intelligently can multiply” - Joachim Milberg. BMW
The truth behind organizational design...
“I think of VNA (Value Network Analysis) as the response to the question "Will the REAL business model please stand up?" At some point in the initial exercise we have to remind people that we must have an accurate "as is" map - in all its messiness - rather than what is supposed to be happening. It is the disconnect between the formal or official processes and roles and the "real" roles and interactions that is so powerful” - Verna Allee
That’s what I want...!
“Phronesis - wisdom in determining ends and the means of attaining them” - Nanoka San
And Finally...
"Design decisions are made by most everyone, everyday." - Joe Duffy, Founder, Duffy and Partners
Observed this week...
Absolute deciciveless...
“Option Paralysis: the tendency, when given unlimited choices, to make none.” - Douglas Coupland
A balanced equation...
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning” - Albert Einstein
Measuring status...
“Your standing among your peers is probably the single most accurate indicator of the value of your network.” - Harvey Mackay
Maximising assets...
“Real leaders (rare) learn that they must engage and serve those upon whom they depend for implementation, or they will fail” - Kathleen Marvin
No comment...!
“The election's over. It's time for a change.” - Harry Reid The Senate Democratic leader.
No false economy...
“We can't discount corporate social responsibility." - Marcia Brewster, Sustainable-Development Officer, United Nations
Hard reality...
“It will never be possible by pure reason to arrive at some absolute truth.” - Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Philosophy
Practical truths...
“Getting my products into a museum is not my big goal. My goal is a product to use.” - Patricia Urquiola, Furniture designer
Mind. Matters...
Once upon a multi media...
"Story will always be king, no matter how much we love the technology." - Ethan Marten, Film Producer
Thinking the wrong way round... Still!
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a culture that honours the servant and have forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein
Paradigms infinitely shifted...
“There are people who talk about vision-logic, and I didn't know what this was at first, but then it dawned on me. I do this to some extent, but had someone explain relativity - and E=MC**2 in a visual way. It became clear that Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and others see their answers, and then solve for the math. Not at all to say that intuition is a substitute for rational scientific methodology, but in the ideal, they work hand-and-glove. I'm reminded of Dan Pink in "A Whole New Mind" - ‘A picture is worth a thousand words, and a metaphor is worth a thousand pictures’. I like to carry it out at least one more step - a paradigm is worth a thousand metaphors. I then wonder what a thousand paradigms is worth. Also useful to note that ‘thousand’ here is just a stand in for infinity. Each jump up is actually a new dimension” - David Swedlow
The foundation of dialogue...
"The ability to converse should be a basic building block of organizations." —Dr. Kerry J. Sulkowicz, Author, "Shrink/Inc"
The earliest visual thinker...?
“The soul never thinks without a picture” - Aristotle
New faces...
"New technologies are starting to rattle the foundations of online self-expression." - David Hyman, CEO, Mog
The challenge declared...
"The goal here is to build a brand around social relevance in media." —Jeff Skoll, Founder and Chairman, Participant Productions